Author Archives: Isobel Wilson
Threads of Connection – Student Survey update!
Today I closed my survey, I am thrilled with the responses and I think I have so much to work with 🙂 I got 19 written responses From countries like UK, China, Turkey, Brazil, Thailand, India and Saudi Arabia There was … Continue reading
Pitch Week!
I really enjoyed pitch week this week, to was great to see everyone’s ideas, art and motivations behind their work all together. As we are such a large group, there are many people in group b that I don’t know … Continue reading
Carl Bloch and other artists. A quick trip to Denmark.
This weekend I was able to visit Denmark for the first time, specifically Copenhagen. It’s always somewhere that I’ve wanted to visit and explore. I was very excited to visit some of the galleries in the city and learn more … Continue reading
LIAF – Sea Silk
This term we are working to create stings for the London International Animated Festival or LIAF. This is a really exciting collaboration and I’m so thrilled that I am able to be part of it! I decided to pitch for … Continue reading
Threads of Connection – Student Survey
I’m moving onto the next stage for my film for the associates. Now I have created a survey of questions which I ask students of all UAL campuses to fill out for me to help me decide on which visuals … Continue reading
Perspective Worksop – with Vanessa
Today we had a morning workshop with Vanessa on perspective. I found it to be very useful and also quite inspiring. Perspective is something I never really learnt and I always struggled when trying to create new work which needed … Continue reading
Thoughts on term 2
Term 2 of first year has absolutely flown by! Just looking back on all the work we have been able to create so far is incredible. I continue with my goal to get involved with all the opportunities sent my … Continue reading
Lip Sync – Vine
For our second lip sync we needed to choose a common theme as a year group for a 10 second audio. We decided on vines, there were many good choices that I was torn between. However, I ended up choosing … Continue reading
Year 2 – Work Experience
-What where the roles you were given? I was given the roles of colourist and animator of different types of fish for the opening sequence. -Did you complete the roles and what feedback did you receive? Yes, I completed the … Continue reading
Working with the 2nd years – Colouring shots
Working with Sophie, I was asked to colour some shots for her. I have worked as a colourist before and enjoy the work. I was able to finish the shots given to me fairly quickly. I worked in Photoshop, taking … Continue reading