Author Archives: Isobel Wilson
Updating website, business cards, social media and showreel
The end of a semester or project is always a great reason to update my social media pages, CV, website and showreels. Which I usually do each term or holiday, but as we’ve worked on such a bg project as … Continue reading
Plans for the future
Applying for funding In the future, I’d like to continue making films that showcase traditional crafts, folk traditions and folklore. Just like some of my previous films and Sea Silk. I think these stories are important to tell and animation … Continue reading
Networking and Festivals
Following the advice from alumni and the tutors, I have been attending more networking events in the hope of building up a network here in London and online as a creative. I have been doing this by attending events like … Continue reading
Applying for internships
Throughout this term I have been keeping an eye on studio’s websites and social media pages for internships. I don’t have any immediate plans once we’ve graduated so I think trying to get some valuable studio experience would be a … Continue reading
Recording with narrators
As I mentioned in my weekly post of this week, I had the opportunity to work with a couple of students for the narration of my student film series. I was able to get a small budget for my films … Continue reading
Threads of Connection – Tests and updates!
For months I have wanted to go home and collect some stuff from my parents house that wasn’t able to move down south with me. One of these things is a rostrum camera stand that I’ve had for years. I … Continue reading
Cave – LIAF – Week 3
This week was a busy week! Monday I started off the week completing my research and design work for the third shot, with the knight and horse. Jan, the director, picked me for this role as last term I created … Continue reading
Cave – LIAF – Week 2
Tuesday Today we had our meeting for review our animatic’s 1st round. It didn’t go quite how we expected but we received some great feedback and spent the rest of the day changing it for Wednesday. We went back to … Continue reading
Cave – LIAF – Week 1
So I’m on the Cave team! I’m really excited to be apart of the team that I am, it was my first choice and I really admire the other amazing artists on my team. This is gonna be a really … Continue reading
Seeing The Kiss – An art trip to Vienna
This weekend I was able to visit Vienna for the first time. My family were traveling there as my brother was competing in the marathon they were hosting but I was able to stay for a couple more days after … Continue reading