Term 2 of first year has absolutely flown by! Just looking back on all the work we have been able to create so far is incredible.
I continue with my goal to get involved with all the opportunities sent my way by the university or just being in London. By attending mixers held by the university, networking events set up by the course and some special events and exhibitions around London. Being in London when fashion week was happening was definitely special! Central London near the shows and parties was like a catwalk. And attending the networking event with previous students who have now graduated and are working in the industry was really helpful. I have become mutuals and connections with some of the people I managed to speak to and hearing their advice was reassuring.
Working on the new assignments for submission this term, you could definitely feel a step up in the difficulty of the animation and what was being asked of us. The feedback became more complex and the learning was much steeper. However, it has been a successful term overall I think. I may still not be exactly where I want to be with my animation technical skills but I think having a critical eye for your work and goals for constant improvement can only take you further. I know I want to improve my eye over the next term and summer so that I can confidently start on my grad film next year and make something to be proud of. I still have those doubts and worries that I won’t be able to make in the industry due the areas of animation that I am lacking in. Looking back on what I’ve been able to create this term and all that I’ve learnt I feel a bit better about my future.
Next term, I am excited to work as part of a group to create some new work and also further involve myself the work and collaboration I do as part of the Associates. The projects I work on with them are very fulfilling and help the greater community at UAL.