Today we had our meeting for review our animatic’s 1st round. It didn’t go quite how we expected but we received some great feedback and spent the rest of the day changing it for Wednesday. We went back to storyboarding to make sure the timing and the message of each era is clear to audiences.
We completed our animatic and were able to do some lighting and texture tests
Today I worked half days to further explore the character designs for the children who will be featured in shot 4. We aren’t 100% decided on which time period or where they are from but I was testing out classic silhouettes for old clothing.

I did this through having the young girl in a long dress with large puffed sleeves and wearing a bonnet.
Below are some of the reference images I complied for understanding victorian children clothing and of silhouette photography that was popular at the time.

From there I was able to do layout tests with some of the poses I created. This helps understand the size and scale of the character. Here are some examples of that.

For the young boy, he was a bit more difficult. He might be wearing shorts, a flat cap and suspenders.

We met up in the evening for an online meeting, reviewed each others work from the past couple of days and planned what we were going to do until we met up on Tuesday. I need to continue my work on the kids and also do some development work for a new scene. This scene will show a knight and his horse walking through the cave. This scene will represent the Middle Ages in Europe.