Cave – LIAF – Week 1

So I’m on the Cave team! I’m really excited to be apart of the team that I am, it was my first choice and I really admire the other amazing artists on my team. This is gonna be a really demanding term with probably;y lots of ups and downs for everyone but overall I think it will be a great learning experience for us all. This will be the first team exercise we will work on as part of our course and I’m hoping to learn as much as I can from my other team mates.

At the start of the week I wasn’t able to attend the meetings as I was away in Vienna. However, my team caught me up on everything and we met up on Friday to go over the roles for everyone and create a bit of a schedule for the upcoming weeks.

Here’s a link to out group padlet:

We will post updates on here and on dedicated one drive folders.

I have worked as a producer previously and wanted to take on that role again so I am the producer for Cave. This mostly means I am in charge of creating the Gantt charts and lists of things we need to do.

I have started to have a go at creating these but as we go further with the project they will need to be updated. Here are some screenshots for this.

I’ll also be helping with the instagram and other socials to help promote the film.

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