Pitch Week!

I really enjoyed pitch week this week, to was great to see everyone’s ideas, art and motivations behind their work all together. As we are such a large group, there are many people in group b that I don’t know as well and I found it so interesting to hear their pitches.

I tried to stay and listen to all the pitches but on the 2nd day I did have to leave early to attend another meeting for the associates, but before that I was taking a tally of everyones films and which category they were going for. This also helped me remember each film for when they were selected and we had to pick ones later down the line.

The pitches

In terms of my pitch, I think it went ok! I was a bit nervous and stumbled over my words a bit but overall it was a great experience to talk about Sea Silk to large audience and get more knowledge about Vigo out there. I don’t think mine will be selected as there were so many strong contenders in the animated documentary category and my idea for the film wasn’t as fleshed out as many of the others.

But we will see next week!

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