Perspective Worksop – with Vanessa

Today we had a morning workshop with Vanessa on perspective. I found it to be very useful and also quite inspiring. Perspective is something I never really learnt and I always struggled when trying to create new work which needed correct perspective in order to work. such as layout design, interior background design and adding characters to existing backgrounds. These were all things I wanted to create as I do enjoy background and layout design but my work never felt polished or like it truly worked because I didn’t understand how the perspective would affect the piece.

We went through the main principles of perspective and then how each point (1 -point, 2-point, etc) works and how to construct shapes using them. I found this part particularly interesting as Vanessa gave us specific examples of how they work and don’t work in classical art, animation and in figure drawing. Having this variety of examples definitely helped my comprehend the principles better.

We then had a go at using the guidelines to draw our own shapes and examples of each of the point perspectives. I found that using the point perspectives to drawing human figures was very helpful. I really want to see how I can bring that into my animation work and illustrations soon.

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