Lip Sync – Foreign Language Version

We are creating two lip syncs this term. The first being a lip sync which we recorded the audio for in the film and tv studios. We paired up with another student who didn’t speak the same language. This is because it’s often easier to understand the noises made for a lip sync rather than the words themselves.

In the end, I found that I agreed with this. I think having done this assignment in this way I will probably take it on in a similar way.

Sketches for the character design

Red Panda character

Audio translation/ mouth shape breakdown

This was probably the most difficult part of the exercise but once it was finished it was easy to place the mouth shapes on the animation afterwards.

Mouth shape breakdowns


These were the initial sketches I did for the key poses. I knew what I wanted the character do very early on but struggled with how to properly link each pose to each other in a way that felt natural.

Thumbnails for animation and character design

Key frames with audio

I don’t have any footage from the very early stages of animating this project, however here is a clip from the 1st round of animating. As you can see, I changed some of the poses and movements later on. This is because the movements didn’t gel well with the animation as a whole and as didn’t match up with the audio as well. It was important to match these up well as the audio is the most important thing in a lip sync.

Here is another version with breakdowns, a little bit of in-betweening and some different and better poses. I felt a bit more confident with this version as I think it flows a bit better.

And finally, the final animation. I think I could continue to work on this and make it smoother and fiddle with the timing a bit more but as we only needed to submit rougher bits of work this term then I feel pleased with what I was able to create.

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