O’ Black Hole – Film Review

Whilst at uni this term we watched O’ Black Hole three times as part of different units as they used it as examples for good characters, amazing design and narrative storytelling. Having seen it a couple of times now and enjoying it each time, I wanted to create a review of this film.

The film follows our main character Singularity, as she tries to make her way to the very top of the black hole to free everyone trapped inside by the woman who couldn’t accept the deaths of those around her.

The Story

For me the story is the most interesting part of this film, it follows the idea of the heroes journey to a t. Having Singularity wake up, have a call to adventure, follow through the various challenges and decisions that must be made, making what she believes to be the wrong decision and then the revelation of how she will save everyone at the end. I think having followed this chart, Renee Zhan, the creator, was able to make a fulfilling story for audiences to engage with.

The Colours

Another aspect of the film that stuck out me when watching was the colour choices Zhan used. They were so vivid and created a truly magically and otherworldly feel to film. The lighting is so dramatic and I think this also helps to create the atmosphere of each layer of the black hole from the very bottom where death and decay reside up to very top where her family members stay in perpetual loop.


Zhan used a variety of different animation textures on this film. From the clay stop motion, modern 3d animation to the traditional charcoal animation. Having such a variety in animation in one project is sometimes difficult to pull off, however it is perfectly melding in this film. Each of them representing another layer of death and time in the black hole. I also think making the choice to have the woman animated in such a different way really stands out. It helps the audiences understand both how otherworldly she is, and how she has taken almost everything from the world. The stark textured background of the paper really portraits this.


With every rewatch I grow a further appreciation for the cast of voice actors in this film and the beautiful sound track. These are elements which are obviously not visual but are no less important than the animation itself. The inclusion of a fitting soundtrack can make or break a project in my opinion. The voice actors stuck out to me particularly the characters of death and decay, they were really able to sell their characters being so slimy and horrid through the voice actors work.

Pacing and ending

The pacing of the film works very well. Having three main arcs to the narrative and a journey for the protagonist to go on really helps the audience understand where they are being taken and what is expected next.

“O Black Hole!” is a fable about holding onto what you love too tightly. Its vivid claymation and paintings add up to several metaphors about appreciating the ephemeral and accepting the inevitability of death. It’s about learning to let go.

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