Re-working Last Term’s Work

This week is reading week, so I’ve been busy trying to catch up on all the edits I needed to make to my assignments. I had a lot of feedback from the formative assessment in December and all through January, I was working to make some small edits to them. Over the past week I was able to get them approved or get further feedback to perfect them for the summative assessment in March.

It’s been great to have had my work looked over by the tutors and to receive so much detailed feedback to improve my work. I feel as though I’ve learnt a lot this week alone about the importance of timing and allowing the audience time to comprehend what they’re watching. Having these pauses included in my animation is

Here are some examples of the changes I’ve made this week with the timing being the key change:

My push exercise before feedback
My push exercise after feedback

Another example of this is in my bouncing character animation, the motion of the dog is correct but there were some unnecessary frames and the dogs mouth didn’t match up with the movement in the dogs ears.

My bouncing character before recent feedback

My bouncing character after feedback.

As you can see, the changes are slight but make a huge difference to the overall animation.

I will continue to work on these and my other assignments over this next week and try to finish them all in time for the start of the simulated work experience and our work with the second years.

Overall I’m pleased with my progress this term so far, and I’m excited to see what the course brings us next.

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