This week we moved onto our hardest exercise yet! It was made better by the appearance of three very cute and well behaved dogs, who modelled for us throughout the day on Monday. We were able to sketch them and also get reference footage for our work later on too.
I found seeing the dogs in person was very helpful to my understanding of their hind legs in particular but also their movement in general. Each dog was also unique in size, stature and temperament. Below I have attached some of my sketches of the dog but also of my own pets which I found pics and videos of later on.

I planned to create a run and walk cycles featuring my own pets. I enjoy drawing my pets often anyway so it should be fun to animate them for this exercise. I used my dog Oscar as the reference for my run cycle.
From the feedback I received on this 1st sketch I need to work on the ears and tail to make it a bit cleaner.
Ralph walk loop – 1st Test
From the feedback I reviewed, I need to work on the head movement a bit more